I've been contemplating for the longest time to actually start a blog page. I've been so inspired by so many bloggers for a while now and one did actually encourage me to start one. Last year I started my wordpress account. However, I still wasn't fully committed to it. I have a couple of posts there but I would just be lazy to actually post content regularly until I was so backed up with possible content to post that I gave up. Life happens so you just get caught up with things and I just didn't have the time to commit. I mainly on my instagram page and to me this is still a handful especially because I follow by a certain type of aesthetics on my page which makes posting hard (ie: editing & content I can post to fit the theme). 2018 is here so making a commitment to blogging is one of my new years resolutions. I've completely revamped my page, and got my own domain so I guess it's time to dive in.

This whole thing has been a nerve wracking process. Social media is a scary thing. Not everyone is gonna like me or the content I post, but that's life and I know that. I was raised that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it! Positive vibes only. On that note, come join me in my new adventure. Here's to the start of something new!

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